Les vendanges

Vendanges is the term used in France to identify the grape-picking season. Nearly every region in France produces wine, ranging from small local personal holdings to some of the world’s most acclaimed labels.

In French, les vendanges is an activity that gets the entire community involved, particularly in areas where it is still carried out entirely by hand. Some harvests have introduced some machinery, but it still requires a reasonable-sized workforce. Harvesting is physically demanding, back- breaking and often done in challenging weather. Despite this, it is hugely rewarding. Every year, thousands of people across France volunteer to participate in the wine harvest, often in return for a meal and a place to sleep rather than a wage. Depending on the size of the vignoble (the vineyard), it can take up to two weeks to handpick all the grapes. 
I still vividly remember the happy days spent grape picking at my father's smallholding. The day was punctuated by sociable pauses where food and wine would feature. Breakfast, referred to as le casse croute, would consist of bread, saucisson (a form of salami) and cheese - all washed down with wine. Nowadays, more conventianal items (croissants,brioche, coffee etc...) are supplied. During fermantation, my Dad would climb a ladder and use a large black umbrella to scoop out the excess CO2. It was quite a dangerous job risking asphyxiation or fallen into the vat!

It is also a period of great festivity, characterised by numerous celebrations and local fêtes in most rural areas of France

In October, Parisians will get the chance to partake in La Fête des vendanges in Montmartre. Visitors will climb up the Butte Montmartre to embark on a Parcours du Goût (a tasting trail). With the beautiful Basilique du Sacré Coeur on one side, and a spectacular view of the city on the other, this pop-up market allows connoisseurs and enthusiasts to sample the flavours and aromas that French cuisine and wine have to offer. Should you be lucky enough to be in Paris in early October, the festival is certainly worth a visit. Check  https://www.fetedesvendangesdemontmartre.com/ for more info.



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